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[Mod Request] Dragon's Dogma 2: Directly Activate Pawn Skills like Springboard and Elemental Boons


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It feels silly to me that you can't direct the clearly sentient and able to communicate pawns you travel with to use specific skills for you when it'd be convenient, and having to rely on them deciding to do it themselves. Obviously the teamwork aspect of the AI and them acting on their own based on the inclinations and specializations is neat and fun but..

For god sake, pawn, buddy, just use Springboard against this wall I tell you too and not just clearly specifically programmed places in the game that don't even cover all the spots it'd be useful.

Or ya know, mage, buddy, put the one specific elemental boon I want you to use on me BEFORE the fight begins rather then half way through it.. For like, if you're an Archer who's sniping.
Pawns are supposed to follow the Arisen's commands, yeah? Then let us command them. Game feels so intentionally gated by invisible walls, the gimped jump, and the restricted control of your pawns.

Sure you can just use the commands like Go! and Help!, but they don't always work, and if you have say multiple buffs on a mage, they aren't going to know which one you want.
Even though, ya know, we can see the enemy we know is weak to this element, like, 20 yards away.

Hell, i'd even take swapping control to the pawn even, able to switch your mind with your primary pawn and control them regardless if places are switched or not, your Arisen self taking up the AI's Inclinations/Specializations if there wasn't an easy way to set them for your own self when you aren't controlling them.

Edited by SirMcSlushers
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