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Material Name List (text file) Location


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I'm wondering if anyone could point me to a link where I can download the "mat_name.txt" file which lists all of the material names for retexturing in NifSkope.  I've searched, but have only been able to find references to mods that offer .bat files for console commands.  I do know there is a list in .txt format that includes the actual .mat file names and am trying to locate this.


Thanks for your time.

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The list can be created with the mat_info tool that can be downloaded from here (note that you need to be signed in to a GitHub account to be able to access the packages). Use a command like shown below, changing the game data path as needed:

mat_info -dump_list -all -o mat_names.txt D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Starfield/Data

Or this to extract all materials to .mat files:

mat_info -json -all D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Starfield/Data
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Thanks for your reply, FO76Utils.  I'd all but given up hope.  If it helps anyone else, I've also found another source for this file that doesn't require being logged into GitHub.  I found a copy in an old thread that showed a 404 error, but when I used the Way Back Machine, I was able to secure a copy that way.  I appreciate your help though.  I'm hoping it's not against any rules to share my link that Archive.org has saved.  I'm making a tutorial and wanted to include it for readers.  EDIT:  I've had my own personal copy for some time now, but I wanted to have a public link to share with others and not have to risk breaking any rules by passing along my own copy.

Edited by StackEmHigh
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