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[Dragon Age Inquisition] Frosty Mod Manager crashes when viewing options/mod "details" tab


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Heya, I updated from v1.0.53 (Or whatever it was) to the latest and after doing this the program became unstable (also tested fresh, clean install of it).

* When I try to open the Options UI the program will crash
* When I select a mod on the left pane and then click the Details tab above the right pane it will crash.
* Adding *.dai mods causes the program to crash, subsequent launch of Frosty Mod Manager will show the mods in the Left pane but with a yellow caution triangle.

Windows 10 22H2



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Despite the *.daimod files appearance in the left list, I could double click the mods to add them to the right list and then all I had to do was click ">Launch" to apply them, avoiding the crash prone aspects of the program.

This was tested with a clean reinstall of the game and mod manager to make sure things work as expected.

Edit: Oh I finally figured out how to get Frosty Mod Manager working with Dragon Age Inquisition, for some reason it now crashes when clicking various UI's (none critical to getting the mods applied) and specific mods will also make it crash when added (with it then immediately crashing when re-opening the program until you delete the mod from where the manager is loading it from).

Edited by Franpa
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