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Dragon’s Dogma 2 - Offline Pawn Parties


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It would be AMAZING to be able to set the game completely offline and have the ability to fill out all party slots with custom characters. Whether this can be achieved by editing an already made offline pawn or creating them to be added into the offline pawn pool,  or simply being able to upload all pawns you make in the character creator. Keeping the main pawn traits like lvling up. It would be offline only mode so capcoms servers wouldn't suffer for it. I wonder if any if this is possible. Thanks! 

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I really really hope that it is and that someone is working on a mod for it. I would freaking love this. Renting other pawns is neat, and I totally get why they do it that way, but I need this function where I can just have my own party with my own pawns that all look exactly what I'd like them to look like, have the personalities I'd like, and have the classes and skills I'd want them to have. I feel like it's gotta be possible, there's already some really talented modders making some really cool things and the game just came out. 

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...

The first game had a tutorial on how to edit the offline pawns, potentially giving you the chance to play as a FULL custom party of your own created pawns. Does Dragon's Dogma 2 have the same kind of "romNoraPawn.arc" file which could be edited? Not really a fan of the renting other player's pawns, that's why I loved Dragon's Dogma: Online and its feature to create a full party of your own made pawns.

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