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What must be done in order to exile Jorleif/make Captain Lonely-Gale a steward?


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As you may know, after Imperials take Windhelm Captain Lonely-Gale was supposed to replace Jorleif as a steward - he is referred as such in Prima's official game guide and does have unique dialogue for his new position. however, for some reason Jorleif will remain in office. I know that this is fixed by the Unofficial patch, but I don't want to use it because of variety of reasons, and thus I would rather like to create my own mod. It must be noted that Jorleif plays a major role in infamous Blood on the Ice, but since this quest is extremely buggy, I would rather leave it intact.

Unfortunately, I'm a complete noob at Skyrim's modding. Its still obvious for me that Jorleif needs to be removed from GovImperial and added to GovExiled faction. Another step is to add a package called CWExiledSonsSandboxPalace to Jorleif's base NPC record (his pre-exile packages are handled by an alias in DialogueWindhelm). Even though I hasn't tested the changes yet, I can tell that something is clearly wrong, as Jorleif began to use his new exile package right after the game starts. Could someone please tell me what to do next?

Edited by CaesarSymmachus
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