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[Mod Request] Dragon's Dogma 2 - The Undoing of a Tragedy


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I'm not sure if modding has yet gotten to the point where changing DD2's music or sound is possible- but if it is, I have what I believe to be the simplest request for a mod anyone could ask for.

For those unaware, the original Dragon's Dogma has a certain song as it's main theme- a song that has never been seen in the game since, ever since Capcom did not renew the license and instead overwrote it with the Dark Arisen expansion. Notably, the song is absent from DD2 in entirety. I, and several others, view this as a tragedy. A black mark, forever tainting a beloved game (now series), when for but a meager few lines of code the second game could regain the glory and splendor lost by the first.

I speak of course, of Into Free ~Dangan~, created by B'z and re-recorded specifically for DD.

I would like, if I might be so bold as to ask, this song to replace DD2's menu theme at a bare minimum. If 'bare minimum' is a phrase that leaves a bad taste in your mouth, as it does mine, then know this; I possess no small meager skill at musical editing software suites as well as a prompt delivery with my utmost effort. Imagine, if you will, that instead of the orchestral rise that met the ears whenever a pawn or player grappled with a colossus, one instead was allowed to FLY INTO FREE with the roaring guitars that set their hearts aflame. Imagine the final cutscene of the game, in all its tragic and magnificent might, not sombre- but instead screaming at the high heavens in defiance of the very cycle, at all cost, with no quarter. Imagine the battle of the mountain, between two foes created by fate's fell pen, only initially terrifying- until the heart lies bare, and your path forward can only be as the DANGAN.

If my words have stirred you, if my promises of GLORY do whet your lips, if you indeed can supplant the false ruler of title screen music 'standard insipid low song #50187 with modding might, then please make your move.

May all your foes be weak to fire, Arisen.

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since Capcom did not renew the license

That right there, would be your main problem. It wouldn't be legal to use it as a distributed item without the permission of the copyright holder. You'd have to get them to agree to the use first - and be able to prove it.

You could do it yourself - for yourself -  if you learned how, but uploading it to share would cause you (or whomever did it) a lot of issues (and Nexusmods would not host such a file).

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