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Loading Order or Missing Mods?


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Been trying to play with a buncha mods but having some trouble. I've played with most of these before in October with no issues at all, but found that even when I go back to the previous profile I'd used they don't work now. There aren't even any error messages, its basically like I'm playing vanilla.

I have looked up information on what might be the problem, I went through every one of my mods' pages and redownloaded them to make sure they're updated, I looked at the "Proposed General Load Order" doc to see maybe if I could get that to work, (but to be honest I'm not sure which category some of them would fall into.)

My problem is that when I open the game and try to create a new game, it just doesn't show any of my modded options. No races, sub-races (specifically I've been trying to play with the Dragonborn subraces or at the very least different colors. I saw somewhere that moving ImprovedUI into the loading order above Fizban/everything would make it work but that did not help. When Dragonborns wouldn't work at all I tried to see if the Aasimar would load but they don't show up either.) I must be missing something or have the wrong order somewhere but I just have no Idea. 

A lot of my mods make the game basically creative mode but that's pretty much what I'm going for.

I tried to load only a few at a time but can't get any of my modded creation things to even show up. And this is only the character creation ones, I haven't started a game yet to see if any of the gameplay ones are working.

Here's a txt of my list.


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