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Railgun mod request -Nevo


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Hey guys,

Contacting you for 2 ideas I got for a weapon mod and an armor mod. Ok let's begin.



We all know this sign. Quake is one of the most entertaining videogame in the universe, due to his fantastic gameplay and all the esports played on it.

Why don't we bring the almighty Railgun in Skyrim to hunt some bunnyhoping Draugr ? It's possible since Dragonborn came and we're enable to create weapons mods who actually shoot.

http://www.jeuxlinux.fr/IMG/png/railgun.pngHere a picture of the weapon. You can find more on Internet or I can provide screenshots if needed.

All videogames or popular mangas are already imported in Skyrim, but nothing is coming from Quake. Do it. Be the next Top files of the month.

Why all the nerds (like me) around this website, I'm pretty sure this idea has great potential. As many of us, Quake was my first FPS and the fast-paced gameplay is a drug that you just can't forget.

Let's bigger; in Quake Live (often named QL), you can choose your laser's color and shape. This could be a great extension. And the mod can extend even more if he encounters success, and I bet my hand in fire he will.

Hopefully I'll find a modder crazy and talented enough to use my idea; I will be the first endorsement of a long, long list.


PS: I'm a french fag I've frogs legs all over my teeth it's hard to speak english

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