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Idea for gundam/excaflowne gameplay mod


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Basically this suddenly popped up in my head. You know spells that conjure armors and weapons. If we can get someone to make custom armor/weapons of the giant robot style, create an internal area that imatates a smallsized world, with a few monster that can be giants (same sized mahrunes dagon maybe) we can basically make a giant robot imitation mod as a joke. Just need an activator that equips the items for gundam appearance and teleports you to the area.
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  • 2 weeks later...

First off: Don't bump your own threads :P


Secondly: Maybe, but as only either; one, new creatures / races (o_O) or two, just new armor to make people look like mobile suits and what not (lulz).


Either way could be fun. But since I have no skills what so ever with making models or textures. I can't help with this XD

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