Bradleypain Posted April 12, 2024 Share Posted April 12, 2024 I have been experiencing an issue with friends - typically involving Multiplayer. As a duo, it seemed to work 10+ hours into a game. Once 2 friends joined the game broke after a main menu load back into game. It breaks all save files from the start of the game. Basically, we aren't able to long rest, go back to camp, or interact with anything in the game anymore - such as NPCs and cutscenes. Attacking friendly NPCs in the grove results in them running, healing, and not knowing what happened. Any cutscenes don't work anymore - running to the Gith camp by the bridge doesn't trigger a cutscene or anything of that nature. Clicking camp in map for fast travel and or clicking buttom right and camp/long rest doesn't do anything. The issue has gotten 2 of the 4 members of my group to just straight out unistall the game as we have got about 50 hours trying to just play with mods. Originally, we tried using the Mod Launcher that is purple and got the same issue. So we all reinstalled our games - delete all traces of mods - and decided to use vortex. With Vortex, it worked longer, but ultimately ended in the same issue. It is truly game breaking and sad to waste so much time with all of this. All mods were done using Export Tool latest version, which was dragged and dropped into vortex - and then everything else was done through Mod Manager downloads using the recommended load orders - which all members of the group downloaded the SAME exact mods and versions via a pack I made for all of them and exported load order to all of them. Things we have tried: Uninstalled half of the mods. Tried different mod launchers. Tried different things to trigger this mod as it seems completely random. Tried disabling certain mods we had a hunch that would mess with UI and the environment. Things we suspect it to be: Multiplayer with 4 people. Mod Order: ImprovedUI Assets ModFixer ImprovedUI VFX_Library_SHV VFX_Vault_SHV 8000_Vlads_Grimoire 5eSpells 2eSpells UnlockLevelCurve UnlockLevelCurve_Patch_5eSpells CommunityLibrary TagFramework WoWDeathKnightClass WoWDemonHunterClass Warlock Unleashed - Ultimate Warlock Monk Unleashed - Futuresight (Lucky) - MC - Furious SorcererSubclassesCombined Descendants of the Gem Dragons Drakewarden CircleofSporesEnhanced AncientSaiyanWarrior Sorcerer Unleashed - Multiclass Included DreadOverlord Animate Dead++ Animate Dead++ Spell List Addon DreadOverlordAddOn InvocationsExpanded DreadOverlordAddOnIE Valkrana's Spellbook CompatibilityFramework Trips_Shaders ReactionPointsUI Auto Send Food To Camp NoInspCap NoIntroPak DFindFamiliar Scratch_And_Shovel featsextra Waypoint Inside Emerald Grove Gold Weight Zero CombatExtender AdditionalEnemies StrongerBossesSafe EnemiesENhancedSBversion DeathMarch BCPP_16xx9_4chars5x10inventory Better Cursor Text Panel Better Inventory UI Default for Improved UI BetterCombatLog2 BetterContainers5x5 BetterContextMenu BetterTargetInfo BetterTooltips BetterHotBar2_169_4x25 SlightlyBetterTopbar169 DamagePreviewCursorText DynamicSidebar169 Enhanced World Tooltips - Alt Togle & Hide Edition CPCCE Undead Race Fantastical Core Fantastical Astral Elf Fantastical Dhampir Fantastical Downcast Fantastical Drow Fantastical Duergar Fantastical Dwarf Fantastical Firbolg Fantastical Githzerai Fantastical Gwyddpala Fantastical Kalashtar Fantastical Pallid Elf Fantastical Reborn Fantastical Shadarkai Fantastical Triton Fantastical Vedalken RingsExpanded - Immersive Orochigagos_Equipment (GM + TUT) AncientJewelry AncientWeaponry BagsBagsBags (Doesn't work) Deathsong Set LegendaryEquip LegendaryItems LegendaryItemsNoDarkPact Wei_ExpansionEquipment EldertideArmament ExpansionBladesinger PTW_Extra_Gear PTW_Extra_Gear_TutorialChest PTW_Sorcerer MastersCloaks SUM THSIconPatch VolitionCabinet ObjectCharacterSupport DatabaseCleaner RandomizedEquipmentLootLight We also have Native Mod Loader, Native Camerea Tweaks, and we had WASD mod - but that doesn't work on my main computer - however, when I was testing, I installed same mods and same load order on my second computer and WASD works just fine. We are using the latest scriptextender by norobytes via going to his Github and dragging zip file. It is - we were usion but the newest one worked. We were also trying to use FeatsPerLevel but it doesn't work with the extra classes/races/subclasses we added for some reason. Any help would be greatly appreciated. If I have to reinstall everything again - including the game - I wouldn't be against in - I just want the game to work and be able to play with my friends for these mods. If anything seems out of order - please let me know and where to play them Thanks again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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