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Consistent Crashing after a certain amount of time


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"0000","+","DLC: TribalPack"
"0001","+","DLC: OldWorldBlues"
"0002","+","DLC: MercenaryPack"
"0003","+","DLC: LonesomeRoad"
"0004","+","DLC: HonestHearts"
"0005","+","DLC: GunRunnersArsenal"
"0006","+","DLC: DeadMoney"
"0007","+","DLC: ClassicPack"
"0008","+","DLC: CaravanPack"
"0009","+","Meshes and Collision - Totally Enhanced Nifs (MAC-TEN)"
"0010","+","Yukichigai Unofficial Patch - YUP"
"0011","+","ExRB - Extended Roombounds"
"0012","+","Asterra's Many Fixes"
"0013","+","ShowOff xNVSE Plugin"
"0015","+","Collision Meshes"
"0017","+","Natural Duster Coats"
"0018","+","Wandering Remnants Power Armor"
"0019","+","Titans of The New West"
"0020","+","Classic Goris"
"0021","+","JIP LN NVSE Plugin"
"0022","+","JohnnyGuitar NVSE"
"0023","+","kNVSE Animation Plugin"
"0024","+","SUP NVSE"
"0025","+","lStewieAl's Tweaks and Engine Fixes"
"0026","+","The Mod Configuration Menu"
"0027","+","Menace of The New West"
"0028","+","Character Expansions Revised"
"0029","+","Joshua Graham Companion - Character Expansions Revised Patch"
"0030","+","Joshua Graham - Fully-Voiced Companion"
"0031","+","Uncut Wasteland"
"0032","+","New Vegas Uncut 7 - Pacers Gambit"
"0033","+","Natural Wasteland Faces"
"0034","+","New Vegas Uncut 6 - If It Wasn't For Betsy Remastered"
"0035","+","NVTF - New Vegas Tick Fix"
"0036","+","Fallout Classic Font With Accents"
"0037","+","Desert Ranger Interface"
"0038","+","UIO - User Interface Organizer"
"0039","+","JIP Companions Command and Control"
"0040","+","Mojave Raiders"
"0041","+","Classic Geckos - CVD Retextures"
"0042","+","Main Story Alterations"
"0043","+","Dean Domino Follower"
"0044","+","Dog and God Follower(s) - DEAD MONEY"
"0045","+","Christine Follower"
"0046","+","Super Mutant NCR Personnel"
"0047","+","Super Mutant Omertas"
"0048","+","Super Mutant Powder Gangers"
"0049","+","Fake Shadow Ranger Helmet by Mika999"
"0050","+","Classic Super Mutant Style Armor"
"0051","+","ISControl Enabler and Ironsights adjuster (now ESPless)"
"0052","+","Legacy Reborn Texture Pack"
"0053","+","PM's Med-Textures - HD Chems and Venoms"
"0054","+","Fabulous New Vegas"
"0055","+","Classic Fallout Metal Armor"
"0056","+","Classic Fallout 2 combat armor (remastered)"
"0057","+","Classic Fallout 2 combat armor Mark 2 (remastered)"
"0058","+","Classic Fallout 2 Metal armor Mk II"
"0059","+","Classic Fallout Tesla armor"
"0060","+","Classic Creature Style Retexture Pack"
"0061","+","Classic Pack Lore Accurate Replacer - FOMOD"
"0062","+","Marcus Companion"
"0063","+","Classic Fallout Weapons Remastered"
"0064","+","Classic-style Remnant's Power Armor"
"0065","+","Webb's Titans of The New West Patch Emporium"
"0066","+","Courier Race"
"0067","+","OneTweak but Really Updated"
"0069","+","Nuka World Imports - a Nuka Cola Overhaul"
"0070","+","Tutorial Killer"
"0071","+","Clarity - An Orange Tint Remover"
"0072","+","Character Preset Menu"
"0073","+","High Resolution Screens"
"0074","+","Max Level Adjustment"
"0075","+","Pip-Boy 2500A - The Arm Mounted Pipboy 2500"
"0076","+","Universal Pip-Boy Customization"
"0077","+","Classic Vault Boy and Vault Girl Icons"
"0078","+","Pipboy Glove remover"
"0079","+","Securitrons On Alert"
"0080","+","More Perks Reimagined"
"0081","+","Classic Goris JIP CCC Avatar"
"0082","+","S6S's Prodlimen Creature Integration Pack - NV - TTW"
"0083","+","Irradiant Muck"
"0084","+","Radioactive Muck"
"0085","+","111777's Silent Player Voice"
"0086","+","Elijah Voice Audio Files Fix"
"0087","+","DLC Weapon Integration"
"0088","+","WAP Caravan Shotgun"
"0089","+","Anton Chigurh's Suppressed Shotgun - No Country for Old Men"
"0090","+","DFB - Random Encounters"
"0091","+","Fallout Classic Ambient Tracks"
"0092","+","Factions Reloaded - Raiders"
"0093","+","Classic-esque Feral Ghoul Retexture"
"0094","+","Skynet Companion"
"0095","+","Magazines of Unparalleled Aesthetic Quality"
"0096","+","PM's HD Ammo Boxes"
"0097","+","PM's HD Legion Overhaul"
"0098","+","PM's HD Ranger Outfits"
"0099","+","Better Books - Fallout3NV"
"0100","+","Vanilla Animations Weapon Scale Fix"
"0101","+","High Resolution Dynamite Retexture"
"0102","+","Dusty Distance Redone"
"0103","+","F4NV Billboards"
"0104","+","Ranger Combat Helmets Clipping Fix"
"0105","+","Horrors of The New West"
"0106","+","Ammo Vending Machines"
"0107","+","Boone Face Remake"
"0108","+","WAP Sawed Off Shotgun"
"0109","+","Smooth Backward Running"
"0111","+","The Living Desert - Travelers Patrols Consequences Increased Population and more"
"0112","+","Hardin and NCR Truce"
"0113","+","Functional Post Game Ending"
"0114","+","Mojave Wildlife"
"0115","+","Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus"
"0116","+","Classic Vertibird Crash Replacer"
"0117","+","NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash"
"0118","+","Classic Brahmin - CVD Retextures"
"0119","+","Posters HD Remade"
"0120","+","Improved Console (NVSE)"
"0121","+","Real Eyes"
"0122","+","Simple Open Strip"
"0123","+","New Vegas Uncut - Outside Bets"
"0124","+","New Vegas Uncut 5 - A Wilder Wasteland"
"0125","+","Awesome Staggering"
"0126","+","Awesome Crippling Effects 2"
"0127","+","J3X Flesh Burnificating Plasma"
"0128","+","Killable Children (NVSE)"
"0129","+","Flavors for burnification"
"0130","+","J3X Flesh Burnificating Plasma and Flavors for burnification"
"0131","+","Spore Plants in the Wasteland"
"0132","+","Spore Plant Melee Attack and Tweaks"
"0133","+","WAP That Gun and 556 Pistol"
"0134","+","No Faction NCR Ranger Combat Armour"
"0135","+","More older and rusty Mojave cars"
"0136","+","Hit - Hunting Revolver Anim Set"
"0137","+","B42 Inject - Animated Item Use - ESPless"
"0138","+","Hit - B42 Inject Animation Pack - Season 1"
"0139","+","Hit - B42 Interact Animation Pack"
"0140","+","Hit - B42 Interact Skinning"
"0141","+","B42 Interact - Animated Items and Interactions Framework - ESPless"
"0143","+","Hit - Classic Fallout Weapon Animations - Part 1"
"0144","+","FNV Mod Limit Fix"
"0145","+","Camo's Unique Weapon Buff"
"0146","+","Hit - .44 Magnum Revolver and Police Pistol Anim Sets"
"0147","+","Various 3rd Person Revolver Speedloader Fixes"
"0148","+","Improved Companion SandBox"
"0149","+","Ulysses Companion Mod"
"0150","+","Gomorrah Companion Weapon Fix"
"0151","+","Companions Assemble"
"0152","+","Torch - The Fire Gecko Companion"
"0153","+","Aegis Oil - Oil Rig"
"0154","+","Enclave Radio Remastered"
"0155","+","Fire Axe replacer"
"0156","+","Wasteland Clothing Retexture (Craig Boone Outfit)"
"0157","+","Veronika Outfit Retexture"
"0158","+","Rose of Sharon Cassidy Lore 4k Retexture"
"0159","+","Hit - .357 Magnum Revolver Anim Set - kNVSE"
"0160","+","Classic Tactics Inspired Plasma Rifle"
"0161","+","WAP F4NV Recharger Weaponry"
"0162","+","Old World Blues - Unique Think Tank Members"
"0163","+","Mr House Painting Redone"
"0164","+","Remastered HD Mr. House Lucky 38"
"0165","+","Gore overhaul"
"0166","+","Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Framework Plugin"
"0167","+","Its a Dogs World - Dog Texture Overhaul"
"0168","+","Roxie Follower Expanded - OBSOLETE -"
"0169","+","Fallout 3 Hirezd"
"0170","+","The Note and Terminal Restoration"
"0171","+","B42 Loot - Animated Physical Item Pickup - ESPless"
"0172","+","The Haunted Casino"
"0173","+","Hit - Hunting Shotgun Anim Set - kNVSE"
"0174","+","WTH - Weapon Textures from Heaven"
"0175","+","Dead Money Overhaul"
"0176","+","ReElijahfied with edits"
"0177","+","Independent Extended - A Thematically Fitting End"
"0178","+","One Gilava Time - Gila Monster Companion"
"0179","+","Retro Car Wrecks (fixed kind of)"
"0180","+","Assorted Leather Armor Retexture"
"0181","+","Physically Based Plasma Rifles"
"0182","+","Hit - Mojave Barbers"
"0183","+","HQ Goo Piles"
"0184","+","FNV Clean Animations - Fat Man"
"0185","+","Charisma alters Companion limit"
"0186","+","Hardcore Charisma (ShowOff NVSE)"
"0187","+","Wacky Wild-Wasteland Glasses"
"0188","+","WAP Varmint Rifle"
"0189","+","lStewieAl's Engine Optimizations"
"0190","+","Alcohol Bottles OVERHAUL - Installer"
"0191","+","Laser Rifle Rebirth"
"0192","+","Interior Exterior Sounds Framework"
"0193","+","LOD Fixes and Improvements - NVSE"
"0194","+","Smoke on the Desert - Animated LOD for Nipton (ESPless)"
"0195","+","Hit - Service Rifle Anim Set Redux"
"0196","+","ActorCause Save Bloat Fix"
"0197","+","Combat Lag Fix (NVSE)"
"0198","+","Big Boomer Relocated"
"0199","+","Classic-esque Super Mutant Retexture"
"0200","+","Tactics Midwest Deathclaws Lonesome Road Only Patch"
"0201","+","The Someguy Series"
"0202","+","New Vegas Bounties I LE"
"0203","+","Hymn of The New West - Classic Fallout Music Rescore"
"0204","+","Idle Variety ESPless"
"0205","+","Enhanced Movement"
"0206","+","Classic - Psycho"
"0207","+","Classic-esque Deathclaw Retexture"
"0208","+","Swimming Creatures Fix - ESPless"
"0209","+","VATS Lag Fix"

After a while of playing, the game crashes and I get this error below.

14013641 _ NewVegasAntiCrash FalloutNV.exe
14013641 _ 07E90000 07050000 nvac.dll
14013641 i 008BFBC1 0441B60F FalloutNV.exe
14013641 i 00490B10 6666018B FalloutNV.exe
14013641 _ 07990000 06030050 nvse_1_4.dll
14013641 _ 77530000 06011DB0 ntdll.dll
NVSE version: 6.35    JIP LN version: 57.21    Base address: 07BD0000
14013843 h 00B706B8 84573074 FalloutNV.exe
14013843 h 00B706E7 84513074 FalloutNV.exe
14013843 h 00B70738 84573075 FalloutNV.exe
14013843 h 00B7076F 84513075 FalloutNV.exe
14014131 h 00B9FCE~
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B9FCED 8B018B6C FalloutNV.exe
14014135 h 00B716E6 80BFEC00 FalloutNV.exe
14014307 h 3FA921FB F6A1F382
14014307 m E9CA7A25 00000023
14014307 r 00A8086C 00000001 FalloutNV.exe
14014307 h 3FA921FB F6A1F382
14014307 m E9CA7A25 00000023
14014307 r 00A8087D 00000001 FalloutNV.exe
14014307 h 3FA921FB F6A1F382
14014307 m E9CA7A25 00000023
14014307 r 00A8086C 00000001 FalloutNV.exe
14014307 h 3FA921FB F6A1F382
14014307 m E9CA7A25 00000023
14014307 r 00A8087D 00000001 FalloutNV.exe
14014307 h 3FA921FB F6A1F382
14014307 m E9CA7A25 00000023
14014307 r 00A8086C 00000001 FalloutNV.exe
14014307 h 3FA921FB F6A1F382
14014307 m E9CA7A25 00000023
14014307 r 00A8087D 00000001 FalloutNV.exe
14014307 h 3FA921FB F6A1F382
14014307 m E9CA7A25 00000023
14014307 r 00A8086C 00000001 FalloutNV.exe
14014307 h 3FA921FB F6A1F382
14014307 m E9CA7A25 00000023
14014307 r 00A8087D 00000001 FalloutNV.exe
14014307 h 3FA921FB F6A1F382
14014307 m E9CA7A25 00000023
14014307 r 00A8086C 00000001 FalloutNV.exe
14014307 h 3FA921FB F6A1F382
14014307 m E9CA7A25 00000023
14014307 r 00A8087D 00000001 FalloutNV.exe
14014307 h 3FA921FB F6A1F382
14014307 m E9CA7A25 00000023
14014307 r 00A8086C 00000001 FalloutNV.exe
14014307 h 3FA921FB F6A1F382
14014307 m E9CA7A25 00000023
14014307 r 00A8087D 00000001 FalloutNV.exe
14014307 ñ 6853694E 00B64161
14014307 r 00B64161 00000000 FalloutNV.exe
14014307 m 1807D751 0019F3D4
14014307 r 00B63F6B 00000005 FalloutNV.exe
14014307 h 00C4F220 0FB655FF FalloutNV.exe
14014307 h 00C4F228 8B45088B FalloutNV.exe
14014307 h 00C4F22B 8B480889 FalloutNV.exe
14014307 h 00C4F22E 894DF083 FalloutNV.exe
14014307 h 00C4F231 837DF000 FalloutNV.exe
14014307 h 00C4F248 C745E0A8 FalloutNV.exe
14014307 h 00C4F24F 8B55E052 FalloutNV.exe
14014307 ; NiCullingProcess::Append> Geometry failed RegisterObject, not rendering: <null*>

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