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Can you run vortex and LaughingLeader together?


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So originally I was using Vortex and found some mods that wouldn't load properly so I switched to LaughingLeaders BG3 Mod Manager Now 90% of the mods I want work on the mod manager but a few won't because the authors don't use paks. 


So could it be possible to use 2 mod managers and Have them work together?

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I was in a similar position a while ago and just decided to use BG3 MM to load everything because I feared this happening. I did that when I only had a few mods and Script Extender was in the single digits of its version. My suggestion is to switch completely to BG3 MM. It seems intimidating, but it really isn't.

If you're not entirely sure how to use or update things in BG3 MM I highly recommend this tutorial: 


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