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Stardew Valley

Sudden relationship decrease issues, need a little help


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Good morning,

Today I have noticed a big issue I seem to be having and I'm really not sure what the cause of it is. Initially, I thought I did something to make my spouse unhappy in game, but there is a much deeper problem. I have stardew 1.6 and I have been making sure all my mods are up to date. But suddenly my spouse is complaining about the house being messy when there is no furniture and complaining of other things despite still having 14 hearts. I feed and pet my chickens daily, but now it is saying they look thin and they aren't producing eggs. My relationships in town seem to have decayed at a rapid rate. I don't know why this is happening. I am somewhat new to modding, so if anyone can help me figure out whats going on, please let me know. Thank you.

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