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Request: Evolving Cities, Towns & Hamlets.


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I got an request.

I'd like to see a Mod that puts Walls+Gates around all towns, cities, Hamlets & Hearthfire Homes.
With skyrim being invaded by dragons, bandit raids, and da occasional stray beasts i always felt that the people of skyrim would think more about their defences.

it may be made immercial for the crowd by assigning an npc for it. for example the jarl of winterhold asking all abled heroes for funds, materials and manpower to build said walls. where we donate for example 10.000gold, 50 firewood & 50 iron ingots for a iron wall around winterhold, with options like 50 Ebony Ingots for an Ebony wall and then waiting an amount of time to ressurect such a wall.

As a 2nd addition to that i would like to see an guild entering each town, city and hamlet. where quests can be found that people in that town & city post quests like for example the owner of riverwood trader wants a hero to deal with a group of bandits that keep attacking his supply caravans, or the alchemist is low in nirnroot for a potion and needs 15 nirnroot. or like for example after the defeat of a dragon in falkreath the innkeeper wants to hold a celebration and needs 50 beer, 25 meat, 10 bread. 
Feel free to go wild on the guild part, make each inn bigger and put a guild master in there, or ressurect a new building in each town and put a guild in there. add a hero system, where peaple from level 1-10 can only accept gathering quests, lvl 10-20 bandit quests and da likes, or run the whole wall quests through there, maybe let the town or city evolve by an quest to repair/replace the roads running through it.

I do have one "must have" to this request, and that is that with each evolving town city and the likes, that its as clean as posible, so no bugs in a newly constructed road that stops npc's from walking midway through a town, or some bandits going through a wall, or while traveling on a horse through a town it suddenly stops at a stone brick thats higher then the rest.

as for where this idea of mine comes from, well i recently picked up on several isekai anime's and thought the whole guild system from those anime's would be nice for skyrim 😄  
Sorry if this idea/request is abit on the big side, but i imagin it would make skyrim verry interactive, imagin the whiterun guards posting a request in the whiterun guild for fur and mythril to strenghten their armors shields and weapons, in preperation for an impending invasion, or an [icecreamassassin] having a patch for this request and run his whole Dragonborn Gallery through the guild as well.
and yeah i imagin with this request being made it can become a multi co-op endevor. making skyrim entirely new, bigger, and interactive for everyone to enjoy 😄

Also feel free to add rewards, like for example 10x rank 2 (Lvl 10-20) quests completed rewards the dragonborn with an armor set, or 25x rank 5 quests gives the dragonborn a mansion, or for supplying the local alchemist 2 times a few potions are given

Greetings Riggnarock.

Edited by Riggnarock1980
forgot to mention the rewards part
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