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Stardew Valley

Mod Requests for Child Labor.

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I have four mod requests that I what to be compatible with each other:

1. A mod which turns as many custom sapient NPCs (and vanilla NPCs) as you can find into completely human NPCs that are marriable and in their 20's.

2. A mod that adds a chance to birth at least up to 8 children from one pregnancy. There should be a leveling system where you can make fertility pills and give them to female NPCs and the player if female or increase friendsjip points to increase the chance for a higher number of children birthed, increase the likelyhood to be asked for children, and lower the pregnancy duration (Preferably with sprites for the pregnancies and for showing how many fertility pills a character has taken). The spouse should also ask every night when pregnant if you want to try for superfetation (getting pregnant while pregnant), which would add amount of the babies the orginal pregnancy got to it with the success chance being upgradeable.

3. A mod that adds the ability to ask girlfriends/boyfriends to live with you and be able to ask for children with a lower chance.

4. Make children be able to grow up to teens, be able to work in the farm inefficiently, travel between farming locations, make them require food, let them go into the mines to mine and fight (with a five day recovery time if defeated), work machinery, and the ability to give them gear and level them up.

Edited by vbaaasdfwcjjdheydaa123456
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Also, I would like an updated version of random visitors, and make it so that the visitors can stay for more than one day, will stay permanently if you become their girlfriend/boyfriend, and the ability to marry them, and a mod that adds the ability to make NPCs and the player both get pregnant and make their spouse pregnant at once. Please make these mods compatible with the polyamory sweet mod, the hypno valley mod and this mod.

Edited by vbaaasdfwcjjdheydaa123456
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Make a military weapons and equipment from 1800 to the modern day mod, and make it so that there are many more floors in the cave, and allow enemies to also get weapons, enemies in deeper floors get better weapons and gear. Make it so that when someone, including the player, is downed, they get dragged to safety like how a medic would drag a wounded soldier. Also make a mod which adds machines which the children man in a mass production line indoors or in extremely upgradeable factories.

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