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Mod Request / Idea / Questions: Fewer, Larger gold piles for D2R


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In Diablo 2, when playing on high player counts and farming in high mob density areas, there is so much gold on the ground that you can't even see all the items that dropped. Running around picking up every little pile of gold gets pretty tedious. There are some really cool loot filters I've tried which have the option of disabling gold altogether, which is nice. However, none of them have an option to reduce the amount of gold that drops, and increase the size of the gold piles.

It would be nice if there was a mod which could make gold drop 99% less often, but be 100 times the amount. It would feel so much better and reduce ground clutter. Is this kind of mod possible? I only know the very basics of modding D2R. If it's possible, I may try to make this mod myself. Are there any good tutorials out there for how to mod D2R? I'm using D2RMM now so I'd like to make it compatible with that. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks!

Edited by djzephy
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