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If any mod author creates a mod menu for me for this game, I will always be obliged to you.

I need a mod for an online game called Smash Karts. It's an online multiplayer game that runs on servers and can be played on Android, iOS, and the web. I need a hack for either Android or the web, please make one for either of them. 

If you are developing it for Android, if possible, please make the mod menu into an APK plugin so that I can patch it into the latest version of Smash Karts and use it.

Important features:

1. I need an aimbot that works for every weapon in any arena in the game.
2. I will be able to add as many gems as I want to my account in the game, and they should sync with my account.
3. I will be able to multiply my kart speed up to 25 times from normal karts.
4. I want to be able to use the invincibility weapon for an unlimited amount of time.
5. I want my life to decrease by 90% less than normal players but still be able to die, so nobody suspects anything.
6. I want to be able to pick up any weapon at any time and as many times as I want.
7. I will be able to add as many XPs as I want to my account.

And yes, also include anti-detection so that the game cannot detect these hacks.

8. I want to be able to buy $50 and $100 bundles for free.
9. I want to be able to edit my account's stats such as games played, wins, kills, deaths, and kill-death ratio (KDR).
10. I want to be able to obtain all the Kart customization items, hats, and characters from past servers for my account.

Please implement as many features from these as you can. Hacking this game isn't too difficult; I've seen some people who have created and used hacks for all of these features in the game. In this game, an account doesn't get banned until someone reports it to the developers because they can't detect these things until then.

Please give me the mod menu/hack of the game, I will highly be obliged to you 🙏.

These videos can be helpful for you for getting knowledge about game:

Account stats: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiZNo38qcpM&pp=ygUZc21hc2gga2FydHMgYWNjb3VudCBzdGF0cw%3D%3D

Weapons in game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhaoS2seWPI&pp=ygUXc21hc2gga2FydHMgYWxsIHdlYXBvbnM%3D

You can play game for getting best knowledge.


Edited by smashplyr09
I wanted to edit something
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