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CGO and CFPAO Help


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Hello comrades!

I'm having an issue regarding CGO. In particular, I'm using CGO in tandem with CFPAO (with the compatibility patch listed in the sticky attached).

All animations work properly, with one exception: when I am holding a one-handed weapon and change grip to two-handed, rather than using the idle animation provided in CFPAO, it uses CGO's default idle where the PC rests the weapon on his shoulder. All of the attack animations use CFPAO's animations with no issue.

While this is relatively minor, I cannot stand the two-handed CGO idle. I tested the grip change with the LE Unlocked Grip mod, and the animations work there. But that mod is old and buggy and so I would prefer not to use it.

I have tried previously to manually delete all two-handed animations in CGO, but amongst the other problems that causes, the two-handed idle returns to vanilla animations rather than CFPAO.

I would appreciate any help!

Load Order: https://pastebin.com/UhfAKdQW

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