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Adding Armor To Creatures?


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Trying to add armor to some creatures to make them tougher, and I simply can not figure it out. I have made mods (years ago) and figured out much tougher stuff than this but it's killing me. Example, I know a bear has armor because I can click on it and type "getav damageresistance" but I can not find the armor value anywhere in TES5Edit. Race? No. NPC, no. I thought it might be in their "skin" no. Magic effect? No. I am trying to add armor to some creature mods that look good but IMO are too weak, also boost some already in game mods. Can not figure this one out for the life of me. Can anyone tell me exactly where thier armor value is and how to edit it? Side note, Thier skins are listed under the armor section. I tried adding armor to their skin but it had no effect. Why is this? 

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I play Skyrim LE, so results may vary.

I can click on a creature in the console, and type "getav damageresistance".  However, all I get is an error message.  There is no such actor value in my game.

There is however a damageresist actor value, which is zero for everything except NPCs wearing armor.  I just checked in game with goats, wolves, bears and NPCs (both naked and in armor).

The only methods I know for changing an actor value are (1) via script, using one of the actorvalue functions on Actor, or (2) using a magiceffect.

I have not tested, but I suspect that although it is using an Armor record, the naked skin entry on the ActorBase is not counted in damageresist, only worn/equipped armor.  You could try to make an "empty" armor (one with a base body but no actual armor layers) in the CK and have your bears wear that, perhaps even by assigning it an outfit in the CK's inventory tab.  However, tinkering with the AV via script would be far simpler.

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I figured it out. First off, I mistyped. Yes, it's damageresist, not resistance. Second, its my fault thinking Bethesda could actually add armor to animals. I should have known they couldn't do this from my days modding New Vegas/Fallout 4. A mod (requiem) added the armor with the "Requiem for the indifferent" patch. Taht is why I could not find it in Skyrim or Requiem.esp So, I looked at how it did it. It's a spell, added to the npcs. It's just a constant adding 120-720 armor depends on npc) I had to make Requiem the master for the creature mods I had and I added armor values to them. Done. This made Ogres, Daedroth etc much tougher (I had to do a lot of other mods to them as well like increasing stamina, unarmed damage, reach, etc.) I spend more time modding Bethesda games that actually playing. 

I knew I had added armor to the creatures in New Vegas/Fallout 4 but that was years ago and I forgot a lot of it. Was very frustrating knowing I HAD done it but couldn't remember how. 

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