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Quest alias conditional fills ignoring conditions


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I have a problem with a quest alias conditional fill.

This is not a n00b thing, I have HUNDREDS of quest condition fills in published CK mods, its likely a corner/edge case defect.

A quest process picks actor ObjectReferences from a FormList (which makes them globally persistent), moves them to a hidden holding cell and marks them with an "ignore for future processing" keyword which works fine and reports in the Debug.Trace log:

SKK_476PrepareWorldQuestScript.PrepareCommonwealth [Actor < (001AC0CF)>] [ActorBase < (001AC0CD)>] [Cell <SKK476HoldingCell (080138BA)>] SKK_476NoDisableKeyword True

A following quest RefCollectionAlias conditional fill that looks for globally peristent actors to fill finds the expected ~600 actors, but also keeps including that specific INVULNERABLE actor EVEN THOUGH the conditional fill has specific exclusions (see picture) for GetInCell SKK476HoldingCell == 0 and HasKeyword SKK_476NoDisable == 0

Debug.Trace on the actor properties sitting happily in the RefCollectionAlias shows that the exclusion attributes are still attached: 

SKK_476ReplaceNPCQuestScript.PrepareNPC [Actor < (001AC0CF)>] [ActorBase < (001AC0CD)>] [Cell <SKK476HoldingCell (080138BA)>] SKK_476NoDisableKeyword True

How the hell is the quest conditional fill still picking the actor ? The ONLY unusual thing is that the Actorbase is INVULNERABLE which should not affect conditional  attribute evaluations. Unless it does.

Quest RefCollectionAlias fill conditions.jpg

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That's interesting.. well, I've never tried to exclude Invulnerable actors as far as I can remember but.. if I understand correctly, there are two quests, QuestA and QuestB. The RefColl fill of QuestA finds many actors, including the Invulnerable one, then it adds a Keyword call it "KeywordA" to the found actor refs and also keeps them in Self. Then the RefColl fill of QuestB, which has condition HasKeyword "KeywordA" == 0 Run on: Subject, still finds the Invulnerable actor.

  - What's the timeframe between the two RefColl fills? Is QuestB shortly follows QuestA?

  - How are the quests started? From a script, Start() or SendStoryEvent() or SendStoryEventAndWait()? If a script, one of multiple parallelly running scripts? ActiveMagicEffects maybe? Or editor defined Story Quest node?

  - How's the Keyword exactly applied onto the actors? "Alias Keywords"? AddKeyword() or maybe Alias >> "Apply To Ref"?

Will need to set up a test environment for this later..

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Timeframe is ~ 60 seconds between applying the exclusion keyword+moving the actor to holding cell and then finding it again.

The "finder" quests are not start game enabled and called from a controller quest script using Quest.Start() ... BUT that does not matter, they can be called [ StartQuest ] from the console with Debug.Trace in OnQuestInit() for the same repro.

The keyword is applied direct to the actor ObjectReference.AddKeyword() so it persists past transient alias membership.

Of all ~ 622 persistent ActorTypeNPC in base game and DLC the ONLY actor this affects is   [Actor < (001AC0CF)>] [ActorBase < (001AC0CD)>] 

To clear it from the debug log I am GetFormFromFile on that ObjectReference and removing it from any subsequent found RefCollections so my native scripts can silently remove all actors and quests from the world without hacking a single base game script or object and still generate ZERO debug log output. HA!

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