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Adding new weapons to leveledlists with LeveledListAddForm spawning frequency?


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Hi everyone. I just had a question I'm curious about. I have several weapon mods installed for New Vegas, and I decided to use this sort of script to add them to leveledlists so NPC's will spawn with them. (This is just an example I use for a Colt revolver mod, of course I edit it for whichever relevant weapon.) Well the problem I'm having is NPC's tend to pretty much always spawn with the same 1 or 2 guns. So for instance I use Fiend2WeaponGunNV for quite a few different guns, at least 15 of them, yet still when I encounter a group of fiends...their weapon variety will be small. Is this the correct way to add weapons to leveledlists or am I doing something wrong?

scn NVColtArmyConvLeveledListQuestScript

short iDoOnce

BEGIN GameMode

if (iDoOnce == 0)
  LeveledListAddForm VendorWeaponsGunsTier3 CondNVColtArmyConvLoot 1 1 1.0
  LeveledListAddForm GunRunnerStoreTier3 WeapNVColtArmyConv 1 1 1.0
  LeveledListAddForm LL2Tier1GunsLegionRecruit50 WithAmmoNVColtArmyConvLoot 1 1 1.0
  LeveledListAddForm LL2WastelanderVipersWeaponNV WithAmmoNVColtArmyConvLoot 1 1 1.0
  LeveledListAddForm Fiend2WeaponGunNV WithAmmoNVColtArmyConvLoot 1 1 1.0
  LeveledListAddForm LL2Tier2GunsProspector WithAmmoNVColtArmyConvLoot 1 1 1.0
  LeveledListAddForm LL2Tier2GunsPowderGanger WithAmmoNVColtArmyConvLoot 1 1 1.0
  LeveledListAddForm LL2WastelanderJackalsWeaponNV WithAmmoNVColtArmyConvLoot 1 1 1.0
  LeveledListAddForm LL2Tier2GunsMercenary WithAmmoNVColtArmyConvLoot 1 1 1.0
  ListAddForm TheProfessionalWeaponsList WeapNVColtArmyConv
  ListAddForm NVImprovedHoldoutWeapons WeapNVColtArmyConv
  ListAddForm PerkCowboyWeapons WeapNVColtArmyConv
  ListAddForm NVAllWeapons WeapNVColtArmyConv
  ListAddForm WeaponListRangedALL WeapNVColtArmyConv
  set iDoOnce to 1
  StopQuest NVColtArmyConvLeveledListMod



Edited by LuckyNedPepper85
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