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New Creation Kit on Steam


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On 4/26/2024 at 7:15 PM, iqoniq said:

Many, many thanks.  It's back up and running 😀

Thank you for posting the initial question, and thanks to all those who contributed to the answer. I am in the same situation.

Before I download the two, older depots, so I can start modding the non-updated FO4, I am curious how I should prevent The Creation Kit from auto-updating. Should I just add the kit's exe to my firewall blocking rules? Is there some other technique? I mean, I realize how to suppress updates, via Steam...until I accidentally LAUNCH IT FROM STEAM, but that's just an accident waiting to happen.

Edited by ebaleytherogue
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5 hours ago, ebaleytherogue said:

Thank you for posting the initial question, and thanks to all those who contributed to the answer. I am in the same situation.

Before I download the two, older depots, so I can start modding the non-updated FO4, I am curious how I should prevent The Creation Kit from auto-updating. Should I just add the kit's exe to my firewall blocking rules? Is there some other technique? I mean, I realize how to suppress updates, via Steam...until I accidentally LAUNCH IT FROM STEAM, but that's just an accident waiting to happen.


I downloaded the two older depots listed elsewhere in this thread.

I copied the downloaded depots to the Fallout 4 folder, replacing existing items. My folder is D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\

I ran CreationKit.exe from the FO4 folder.

Creation Kit launched this time. I was able to grant it its admin rights, as the initial prompt asked.

However, after this the 'Creation Kit' splash graphic remained ad infinitum. I let it go for two hours, and nothing happened. I started over, let it go for another hour, and nothing happened.

In between all the following steps I force-closed the CreationKit:

I renamed the .ini files, hoping new ones would generate, and tried again. The CreationKitPrefs.ini regenerated, but not the CreationKit.ini, and but the splash screen remained. I restored CreationKit.ini, kept the newly created prefs file, and again, same issue; the spash screen remained.

I looked at the "xSE PluginPreloader.log", but I don't know enough to understand much of it, although the Framework init error seems like perhaps it could be in play...the fault...or not related...dunno.

What do all y'all think?

xSE PluginPreloader.log:

[2024-12-05 20:36:55:336] Log opened
[2024-12-05 20:36:55:464] Initializing framework
[2024-12-05 20:36:55:492] <Framework> Module "kxf::NativeAPI::Private::InitializationModule" initialization failed
[2024-12-05 20:36:55:530]     Initializing framework: failed

I have attached the complete log file, in a 7z archive, in case someone might be kind enough to take a look at it to assist me in getting my Creation Kit up and running. I know I am close...but I need someone to assist me in sticking the landing.


xSE PluginPreloader.7z

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