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Swapped SSDs and remembered my old one still has the complete files


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Hi All,

Just curious what I should folders do I replace to return fallout 4 back to the un-updated state? Don't want to overwrite anything else other than the ones that got updated yesterday? All the nexusmod locations are defaulted so I am somewhat unsure what not to replace.

Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks.

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The only way to tell with out using a hex editor which files have changed is by the size (the date will change when the files are downloaded so that is no help, used to have a "created date" on the properties but that changed when the new "Explorer" with Win 7.

You are lucky in some respects that you have a full copy of the older version.

On your new drive where steam installed the game under "common" change the name of the Fallout folder (You will need Administator's rights to do this) to something meaningful (I use a dash) and then copy the old Fallout folder to the common folder. It should act like it never was updated.

Now you have a small problem - When you start the Steam client it will check the verson installled in the Fallout folder, if it is out of date ie 1.0.163 then it will update it. A way around this is to go to the directory in My Documents / Fallout and make the configuration files "Read only" then the Steam client will not update the installation. ( I don't use this option, my game system is behind a firewall / proxy server and the client can't conect to the Steam Serves so I do not know if that will work.)

Anyone that plays / uses software should back up freqently and making backups of a new install is a Best Practice used by MCSE's since Windows first introduced Windows NT in the 1990's.

I have my orginal version of the games I downloaded from Steam on an external drive plus two previous updated versions as back ups.

For those that like to experiment and have the room to do so a multiboot system has saved my bacon (games/software) a few times. I have three legale versions of Windows 10 on my desktop computer and one of them I use for experimenting, thus if I don't like what a update does to a game I delete it and copy the good one from another drive (like what you have).

I did this when Skyrim was updated to the Anaversiery Edition with all the junk, I made an archive of that just incase I needed it and put it on my external drive. I still use the old Skyrim SE when I feel the need to shoot down a dragon... ๐Ÿ™‚

So I have Fallout - Next Gen, and Fallout ver 1.0.163, so far the next gen version plays well with the exception of those mods that require the Script Extender, the main one I miss is Transfer Settelments (it does save a lot of time when setting up a new settelment...) other than that the new version works as advetised.

No gripes so far but a few annoyances: The addvertisement on the main menu, then five or six new quests at start up before you leave Vault 111. I have played most of them but they are buggy, I know what the mods wants after the first play through so maybe I will be able to complete the Enclave quest next time.

Good luck with your back up.

BTW: My FPS stutter has stopped, so one promise made was fullfiled - either that or a mod I have that uses FOSE that isn't installed is missing...

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Mostly what you need to copy is the FO4.exe and Data, though I usually simply replace the entire folder since it doesn't take much more time and there's no guessing.  They definitely changed the archived .ba2 files since the regular archives can no longer be opened by my regular archive extractors or Xedit.  So that's everything in the Data Folder, esp/esl/esms included, since the strings no longer match, and at minimum, the base folder exe's.

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Thanks for the help.

Pretty much deleted the DATA folder and replaced it with the old one. Plus a few other files on the main folder of Fallout 4 including the .exe files. Then got the manifest ID here in the forums that was modified so STEAM don't do crap about it. I am glad its working now. Hopefully once the mod guys get F4SE working again, I can re-install everything again.

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