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Long load times on modern hardware


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Guest deleted208907332

I just recently switched to playing the PC version last week from the PS4 pro cause i got tired of the 0kb error and all the restrictions Sony puts on mods. Lately with a few basic changes most of my load times have been 1 to 3 seconds tends to vary based on what i else i have open while gaming and how many mods enabled.  I am playing the current FO4 next gen with 91 mods currently enabled.  

My current system:

AMD Ryzen 9 5950 16core CPU, 128 GB (3600) RAM, Radeon RX7700XT GPU, M.2 Samsung 990 2TB ssd drive. running latest version of Windows 11 all currently updated including .Net and all drivers.  I have steam, all my games and mods in the root directory (C:/). I also have my GPU currently setup to boost FPS while game loads and that seems to help a bunch.

I originally had everything loaded and running from the windows programs directory so my load times were actually taking 5 to 10 seconds sometimes a bit longer. Since moving everything to the root directory it drastically cut my load times. i also only use one drive currently, but in past i have used multiple drives but i always made sure to keep what ever game i was playing and all related files on the same drive as that can obliviously effect load times. i know these are basic ideas and probably have been already considered, but figured i could throw it out there for some that may not have the savvy in computers as some.  Could also look at defragging the drive as sometimes over time our files can get "fragmented" over time with the constant read and write. The only other simple suggestion is disable all mods to see what happens to load time if it changes any. if does then just go through process of slowly enabling to see which is causing it and make sure there are no redundant mods. I know with the new texture update, any 2k or 4k mods you have try disabling to see as some are no longer needed with this new version of FO4.   load order: often with mods that may overwrite each other and are not close in the load order to each other can take more time to load as the system is going back and forth processing that overwrite. 

Beyond these basics, you all are beyond me on any other ideas that maybe causing slow load times.  

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Luckily I have the benefit of having a few computer systems I have built to test FO4 and the long load times only happens on my Z590 11700K system. On my Z390 9900K build its pretty fast with all mods enabled and I only have about a dozen of mods. I try to keep the mods pretty much synchronized upon each system with the same rollout. Though I have a couple theories why the load time on one system can take up to a full minute and 15 seconds on the next or even instantaneous load on the other. First theory is that steam did a dirty upgrade to next gen version and old game files are still present causing issues. The faster system was a fresh install of next gen version.  Second theory is that FO4 doesn't like my two disk NVME pci-e 4.0 raid (chipset unfortunately bottlenecked to pci-e 3.0 speeds).  So going to copy the faster game files onto the slower system removing the old files in the common folder first. See what happens. Let you guys know...


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