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Attention to the 'Nexus Community Rules': Since some time ago, it's forbidden to upload 'Compilations' of other mods, even with permissions (it must be better reflected at the help from 'Nexus' I think). That's why the 'Collections' section was created.

Case appart is, if a modder merge mods that he/she has created and then somebody makes a translation, modification, etc... but of course, always giving credits to the 'Mod Profile', and the 'Modder', as minimum, and sharing just the only modified files for you have to download the original mod too, and the modified ones, in the way you can give 'Kudos' to all the modders involved, and the 'Download' count can work also. Of course, the 'Kudos' option will work making things this way too.

In a deeper explanation of this, here at 'Nexus', there is a section called 'Collections', that is created for this kind of 'Mods Setups'. It gives the appropiate 'Download' count, and other benefits to all the modders involved in such 'Collections'. READ HOW TO USE IT !!!


Here I left the links for to take a deep look about it:

Skyrim Special Edition Collections Main Page

Information About What are Collections


Also links to some related information:

File Submition Guidelines

Forum and Commenting Guidelines

Reporting Guidelines

Contact Us


Please, Nexus Users, PAGE EXTREMELY ATTENTION to this, and let's give the deserved thanks to the 'Modder Community' as it must be.

NOTE: In case any doubt, write directly to the 'Stuff' of 'Nexus Community', and/or write to the mail at the 'Contact Us' link.

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