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F4se black screen crash


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So i'll explain what happend.. my game automatically updated after i went afk with steam on, i saw what happend with the new update so just then i followed the guide to download the depots but didnt work for me as a result of black screen... in the meantime i was downloading creation club contents too but i tried deleting them all, didnt work for me, i tried different tips like clearing steam downloading cache, fixing steam's library, verifying the game files, but them all made me end with the game completly bugged: For steam i haven't installed it but i still have all the depots in my game folder.. so i tried downloadig the game and everything again to play with the update but the download ended up saying the downloading files were corrupt so a couple of days later i installed vortex and fo4 downgrader, at the end it didn't work for me for the umpteenth time, i downloaded buffout 4 and here's the log https://pastebin.com/8FF9u8y3 maybe anyone can help me to discover why my game's screen is black at the startup and just remains like that till it crashes or until i stop the game by steam. Otherways i'll probably have to reinstall steam loosing al my games.. Thanks! 

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