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Need a list of all formIDs and editorIDs...


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I know this might be either too noob of a question, buuuuuut...

I need to know if there is a way to extract a plain text list of all the formIDs and editorIDs in my current load order.  Is there a program or an option within one of the modding programs that will allow me to generate said list. I'm needing this mostly to satisfy curiosity but also cuz I think it might be useful in general. 

Thanks so much in advance

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Does it have a way to pull the list out or is your suggestion to dig thru each of my mods to find the info on a mod by mod basis, and/or as I need it for specific things? I ask cuz while this is entirely possible, but very time consuming. My ask is if there might be a faster way to obtain this information. If xedit/sseedit has a way to do this do you know how and will you teach me?

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