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How come I still have Vanilla Skyrim Armor even though I installed a Reskin? (BD's Armor and BodySlide)


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I installed the Mod Pack BD's Armor and Clothes Replacer - CBBE 3BA (3BBB) and downloaded it to MO2, also have downloaded all the needed mods for the armor pack an such to work properly. I went through the process of going through each of the Skyrim armor and editing them to how I liked them in BodySlide. After I liked how each of them looked I pressed the build and it said that it successful in the built and was saved to the Data/Meshes/armor file, but when I go in game to take a look it is still the Vanilla Skyrim Armor and not the reskin that I made. Am I missing a step? How come the reskin is not showing? I disabled any other armor mod I was using except BD's so those should not be an issue.

The first image is the confirmation of the build being made.

Second photo is what is looks like in MO2 in the Data/Meshes/armor/iron/f . I have no idea why it is red, so if that is the issue can you guys help?


MO2 File.png

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