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Is there any good website for debates?


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I keep trying to find places where I can have civil discussions with people. I've tried reddit and stack exchange multiple times, but no matter where I post, I rarely get good responses, and my posts get locked. And yes, I know about 'change my view', but I still got accused of not actually wanting my opinion changed MINUTES AFTER I REPLIED TO SOMEONE THAT THEY DID JUST THAT. And yes, even when I pointed to that reply, the mods still refused to believe me. Wtf?

I used to know of some website called 'debate.org' or something like that (my local community college kept recommending we look at that site). I can't seem to find it now though.I also keep trying to post here, but this board has minimal activity. Isn't there a decent place to have intelligent discussions on the internet? Is the internet nothing but abuse and misinformation? I keep questioning why I even bother to use the internet anymore. I honestly don't know why I even bother keep trying to use it. Guess I just don't like being trapped in my own little world unable to get any outside influence/aid. Is there just no place on the internet that's usable? I have tried to just not bother logging in or posting, but again I hate having to think on my own. That's how people go down rabbit holes!

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