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Stardew Valley

How to Update a Mod for Stardew Valley?


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I think my favorite mod finally broke(or at least stopped working with other UI mods). How do I go about updating it to work with 1.6? For reference, it's the Flower Decorative UI. I tried looking into it, and coding is not something that comes easy to me. I can tell making the Format 2.0.0 isn't going to cut it, I tried.


Thanks in advance.

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From the mod's description: "If updating, delete the old version of the mod. Do not just overwrite it."
Depending on the MM You're using (Vortex, NMM, Mo2) The option itself will be different, but i'm P confident you can just disable the mod itself (uncheck it) right click the mod and find a remove/delete option in the menu that pops up. After that just redownload from the nexus site, reinstall and you'll be good.

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