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[mod request; the PAK file of 5 features] X2 Jump Height, Default Lightsaber Blade is Red, X6.5 Base Experience, X10 Damage to Enemies (Not bosses), X5 Base force/health/guard


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An PAK file that does 5 things within it.

1. X2 jump height -  multiplies jump height by 2, playing as an anthro character and want to actually feel the oomph of their powerful legs? This will not only ensure immersion with certain character mods but guarantee an LMB strike from above.

2. Deafault Lightsaber Blade Is Red - Is your character more morally dubious? Your actions are much more aggressive in this game, double down from the very start of correscaunt's slums: "out with blue, in with the red, leave your enemies deader than dead"

3. X 6.50 Base Experience - Make gaining perks fun, and make resetting them not turn into a chore. Further increase it by getting the 3-point perk to 7.77 for some jackpots. Spend even less time respeccing, and get to wrecking.

4. X10 Damage to Enemies (Not Bosses) - Make your lightsaber feel like a lightsaber, and not an stick of light. One slice should be all it takes to take care of grunts and minibosses; but bosses a different story having this disabled. You expect a fair fight from droids? No, you should be getting them through with. An inquistor or sith initiate or scorpion? That should take default damage, they're smart and persistent.

5. X5 Base Force/health/guard - start off or load with more force to do more stuff more efficiently, more health because you're not an average joe shmoe, and more guard as you've been on one adventure already: Surely you should've entered courrescuant with a ton more poise than you started out with, correct? "Or was it God who chokes up in these situations, running late? Oh no, sorry he just called in."

Edited by ZxAsriel
PATD lyric fix
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