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Papyrus Help : inspect all items carry by player

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sorry for my bad English

I tried to convert this from Python to papyrus,

I looked for hours but not found,

please help

#get all item in player container
playeritems = player.inv
#check each item/element using "For Loop"
for playeritem in playeritems :
    if playeritem.HasKeyword(ObjectTypeFood) :
        Player.EquipItem playeritem
        #after player consume item food, break the "For Loop"
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Player.inv is not a papyrus function.

You need to look up the Papyrus functions.

Most likely you will need to use GetInventoryItems() which is an F4SE function https://falloutck.uesp.net/wiki/GetInventoryItems_-_ObjectReference

Then you need to look at some base game scripts to understand the Payrus script structure and format.

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  On 5/8/2024 at 12:56 PM, SKKmods said:

Player.inv is not a papyrus function.

You need to look up the Papyrus functions.

Most likely you will need to use GetInventoryItems() which is an F4SE function https://falloutck.uesp.net/wiki/GetInventoryItems_-_ObjectReference

Then you need to look at some base game scripts to understand the Payrus script structure and format.


thank you for the answer,

and this is the result:

Form[] items = player.GetInventoryItems()
Bool bBreak = False  
int currentItem = 0
While (currentItem < items.Length) && !bBreak
	Form item = items[currentItem]
	If playeritem.HasKeyword(ObjectTypeFood)
		Player.EquipItem playeritem
		bBreak = True    
	currentItem += 1

sadly I can't test the code because I use it in the console command, and this "form" must be run in a PSC extension,

and do not have a clue how to trigger it to run

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You will need to read or watch a how to create and compile papyrus scripts tutorial.

There are many on youtube.

The Bethesda Mod School series is good.

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sorry if i rude, after many times  tried, the script is not run even the compile succeed

but the result not appear

Scriptname AutoConsume extends Quest
MiscObject Property Caps001 Auto
Actor PlayerRef

Event OnInit()
    RegisterForKey(160); left shift

Event OnKeyDown(Int KeyCode)
    If KeyCode == 160
        PlayerRef = Game.GetPlayer()

but when i press "left shift" the caps do not increase, why?

and second, how to produce warning box like his :40747-1599933015-888326014.thumb.webp.8725023d24bc832daa850433f6b50d5a.webp

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