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Custom creature companion troubles (need help)


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So I've followed 3 different guides to a T for custom NPC/Creature creation (in the process, deleting and restarting completely a few times due to mistakes, and then just to try a different guide as the previous one hadn't worked) and basically, everything SHOULD be working, but when I get in game where I've placed them (literally beside Chet's store in goodsprings, at least for now) they won't stop running about the place and, when interacted with, their greeting dialog, both for the first time and every other time you speak with them, works, but they close the dialog box and resume running around. They're not in combat as every NPC around them is set to friend, they literally don't beeline to anything and attack it or even stop running to do the warnings before becoming hostile when too close to other NPCs and creatures, and the factions SHOULD be correct, but I am just at my wits end here as I have no idea why it wouldn't be working, they don't require any dlc as I used the base template for a nightstalker from base game, like one guide used a deathclaw, but mine just will not work like theirs did, and even following other guides and rechecking all of my new additions (scripts, packages, factions, etc) come up with nothing looking off about them in comparison to the guides.

I'm losing the patience to continue working on them as I just can't figure out why it's happening, moving them into an empty cell doesn't work either as they just run around inside of there too, so it isn't an aggression issue with other NPCS

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This was kind of hard to read, so I might be misunderstanding you, but I believe you said that they are running around with no rhyme or reason and are not attacking anyone? And that you try to speak to them and the proper dialogue doesn't initiate, it immediately exits.

If they're running around but not in combat, it is 100% a packages issue. I know you said you rechecked that, but that is the issue, I assure you.

If you try to talk to them and the dialogue cuts out immediately, it's because the dialogue options that you set up are not having their conditions met properly. Make sure that your GetIsID is set correctly and that any other conditions are making sense.

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Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, sullyvanj93 said:

This was kind of hard to read, so I might be misunderstanding you, but I believe you said that they are running around with no rhyme or reason and are not attacking anyone? And that you try to speak to them and the proper dialogue doesn't initiate, it immediately exits.

If they're running around but not in combat, it is 100% a packages issue. I know you said you rechecked that, but that is the issue, I assure you.

If you try to talk to them and the dialogue cuts out immediately, it's because the dialogue options that you set up are not having their conditions met properly. Make sure that your GetIsID is set correctly and that any other conditions are making sense.

Yeah, somehow during my break of working on them, all of my topics got removed from eachother, breaking the dialogue tree completely, everything is set correctly and the dialogue works as intended now, but now after I hire them, they stay rooted in the spot and won't follow me, despite the scripts and AI package associated with following both tell them to follow, they stay where they are. I've tried to make them back up, using the kill command to make them unconscious, and even resurrecting them entirely so they reevaluate their packages, but they remain rooted to the spot. They follow me through loading screens, but just won't be actively following me around


Scratch that, apparently my follow package got reset to where he'd follow himself, going to take yet another look at all my packages to make sure they're correct

:edit 2:

Okay, he will now follow and obey commands and open inventory and everything, but the dialog tree isn't opening after hiring, which means I can't fire him, it just zooms in on him then closes, I think It's because there isn't another greeting option apart from the 'say once' greeting upon first meeting him

:edit 3:

That's what was wrong, but now when I fire him, I can't rehire him, making a change to add the hire option to his second greeting

:edit 4:

Alright, can now rehire him after firing, and it doesn't appear in the dialog box after hiring, here's hoping everything is set correctly now x.x


Edited by Ishbacko
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My companion dialog is bleeding onto other companions and I can't find a reason why that is, every topic has the GetIsID for my companion on it, so I don't know why his dialog prompts are replacing other companions. Not only that, because of the dialog bleed, other companions when told to wait, won't have a let's go prompt if talked to, they will only be able to follow if using the follow command on the companion wheel, not in their dialog tree.

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