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Smokeable Cigars - Cigarettes - Joints - With HardCore Auto Save

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https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13431?tab=description  This mod seems to be forgotten because countless players wanted to get the sit down and smoke animation so I tried to do it but unfortunately I failed I couldn't figure out how the animation works so I got the CTD and I couldn't I'm sorry for continuing. My skills are limited and I can't make the corresponding animation. It would be great if someone can make a mod for this mod that allows you to sit down and smoke, smoke, move and fight, etc., just like in reality, because my skills are limited and I can't. Implementation So apologies to all players it seems this ancient mod has been forgotten

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13 hours ago, liuyu2215334 said:

https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13431?tab=description  This mod seems to be forgotten because countless players wanted to get the sit down and smoke animation so I tried to do it but unfortunately I failed I couldn't figure out how the animation works so I got the CTD and I couldn't I'm sorry for continuing. My skills are limited and I can't make the corresponding animation. It would be great if someone can make a mod for this mod that allows you to sit down and smoke, smoke, move and fight, etc., just like in reality, because my skills are limited and I can't. Implementation So apologies to all players it seems this ancient mod has been forgotten

I'll do it later. The animation itself is very easy to do, but smoke particles consist of both uv animation and superspray particles. Because of this, I was always too lazy to smoke (cigarettes, cigars, pipes). For now I have a hookah smoking while sitting on the floor, but this also needs to be redone. Since I made it, I've learned a lot and now I can make a fully animated hookah... with full movement of the hose, with its own bones.

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Yeah it would be great if you could do it I've tried to do it because of numerous player requests but I failed I always get CTD It would be great if you could do it I've been tortured for a week now and all I always get is CTD I tried everything I could think of but it just didn't work so I had to give up. If you can, that would be great. I look forward to your work. Thank you very much. I'm already very excited when this animation comes out.

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1 hour ago, liuyu2215334 said:

Yeah it would be great if you could do it I've tried to do it because of numerous player requests but I failed I always get CTD It would be great if you could do it I've been tortured for a week now and all I always get is CTD I tried everything I could think of but it just didn't work so I had to give up. If you can, that would be great. I look forward to your work. Thank you very much. I'm already very excited when this animation comes out.

it will depend on how well the superspray turns out. For the hookah I used the vanilla particle effect from the cryocapsule, but they look lousy because they are static. We need to make an animation of the superspray with a splash and fade-out. If you know a ready-made vanilla effect (AddOnNode or AnimObject in the game) that can be used, write. This will save me from unnecessary work. I searched the resources for a superspray specifically for cigarettes and couldn’t find it.


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Yes, I looked at the effect and it was ok. I looked up the game itself and compiled it but it was very bad. It seemed to be still. I think it was caused by the game itself not developing a similar program because I compiled it and found out. It is not compatible at all and cannot continue to the next step. Yes, I am now trying to extract and write the one from https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13431?tab=description. It seems that I can only use this one. file instead I don't know if it's possible because I can't figure out the mechanism here

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18 hours ago, South8028 said:

这将取决于超级喷雾的效果如何。对于水烟,我使用了冷冻胶囊的香草粒子效果,但它们看起来很糟糕,因为它们是静态的。我们需要制作带有飞溅和淡出效果的超级喷雾动画。如果您知道可以使用的现成的普通效果(游戏中的 AddOnNode 或 AnimObject),请编写。这将使我免于不必要的工作。我在资源中搜索了专门用于香烟的超级喷雾剂,但没有找到。


Yes, I looked at the effect and it's okay.I looked up the game itself and compiled it, but it's pretty bad.Everything seemed still.I think it's because the game itself didn't develop a similar program, because I didn't find out until I compiled it.It is not compatible at all and cannot proceed to the next step.Yeah, I'm trying to pull that from https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13431?tab=description right now and write it.It seems I can only use this.file instead I don't know if this is possible as I can't figure out the mechanism here

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18 hours ago, South8028 said:

这将取决于超级喷雾的效果如何。对于水烟,我使用了冷冻胶囊的香草粒子效果,但它们看起来很糟糕,因为它们是静态的。我们需要制作带有飞溅和淡出效果的超级喷雾动画。如果您知道可以使用的现成的普通效果(游戏中的 AddOnNode 或 AnimObject),请编写。这将使我免于不必要的工作。我在资源中搜索了专门用于香烟的超级喷雾剂,但没有找到。


https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13857 Yeah I guess if this mod could be referenced too but what I don't understand is why he can only sit and drink but not eat, yeah when I sit down to eat and while he eats nothing happens to him.I'm wondering if this can be combined with a module related to the previous module.

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3 hours ago, liuyu2215334 said:

https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13857 Yeah I guess if this mod could be referenced too but what I don't understand is why he can only sit and drink but not eat, yeah when I sit down to eat and while he eats nothing happens to him.I'm wondering if this can be combined with a module related to the previous module.

Sorry, but I can hardly understand your English. If you are interested in the creation method, then this is the vanilla method. Havok animation uses annotations. The annotations are attached to the root of the rig in a dope sheet. The animObjLoad/Draw annotation calls and draws a nif with a cigarette, a bottle, or any item from the AnimObject list in ck. An item can be bound with a skin modifier, or a NiStringExtraData with the name of the bone. The item can contain its own gamebryo sequences (AutoPlay,AutoLoop,AutoFadeOut) and be animated in sync with the actor. The animation can be called as furniture, or by a script. Accordingly, hkx can run the entire script with all objects.

Ps Do you use Google translator? Google translator is the best translator into English.

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1 hour ago, South8028 said:

抱歉,我几乎听不懂你的英语。如果您对创建方法感兴趣,那么这就是普通方法。Havok 动画使用注释。注释附在摄影表中装备的根部。animObjLoad/Draw 注释调用并绘制带有香烟、瓶子或 ck 中 AnimObject 列表中的任何项目的 nif。可以使用皮肤修改器或带有骨骼名称的 NiStringExtraData 来绑定项目。该项目可以包含自己的 gamebryo 序列(自动播放、自动循环、自动淡出)并与演员同步动画。动画可以称为家具,也可以称为脚本。因此,hkx 可以运行包含所有对象的整个脚本。

Ps 你用谷歌翻译吗?谷歌翻译器是最好的英语翻译器。

I think so sorry I don't have a translator I can speak English it's just maybe not clear enough sometimes I tried a lot but it didn't work yes it was either static or CTD I couldn't compile them so I think I might have to give it up I can't combine it and I can't get a full animation so I'm going to give it up I don't know if you are successful, I don't know if you will release your mods to nexusmods. Sorry, I can't continue with my limited skills, so I'm going to give it up

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