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(( it would be nice if there was some sort of a magical device that when you input 3-4 magical items of same rarity/random rarity - you can reroll for a Random item of the same rarity. I am sure someone can come up with good logic for this mechanic. )) 


3 healing potions of one size = 1 potion of next size.
3 theives tools = 1 disarm toolkit
3 disarm toolkits = 1 thieves tool

any arrow + alchemical fire = 1 fire arrow
any arrow + simple toxin = 1 acid arrow
any arrow + water = 1 freezing arrow

any arrow + antidote + any healing potion + basilisk oil = arrow of salving

arrow of darkness + scroll of misty step = arrow of trasnposition
arrow of ice + arrow of lightning = arrow of roaring thunder
arrow of fire + smokepowder bomb = smokepowder arrow

1 smokepowder barrel + 1 pouch  + 1 alcemical fire =  smokepoweder bomb 

water barrel + 3 bottles = 3 bottles of water

1 arrow of acid +1fire+1ice+1lightning  = 1 arrow of many targets

4 any books = 1 green scroll
4 any green scroll = 1 random green scroll

empty ring or amulet + precious gem stone (bloodstone/saphire/emerald or any other) + magical item of green/blue rarity = New RING or AMULET of that rarity

say i have 3 amulets i dont need, all green - let me put them into this magical device and destroy them - get a new green amulet green item.
say i have 4 amulets that are green and i put them into this device = i would get maybe 1 of higher rarity. Would be awesome.

maybe the rarity of the item could go up if you input 4 of the same rarity amulets 

3 or 4 random items = 1 random item of green rarity.
3 or 4 items of the same slot = 1 item of the same (lowest rarity) roll for that slot
3 or 4 items of same rarity and same slot = 1 item of that slot but higher rarity. 

maximum would be purple items.

maybe someone can come up with some mechanics so that we can roll items like in horadric cube.


Edited by elijahgtp
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