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Fallout 4 disassembled / floating handguns bug (vanilla & modded weapons)


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Hello all.


I have a problem with some weapons (vanilla and custom) such as the vanilla .44 revolver, the .30 Carbine Pistol (by CSEPTeam), the Mauser Pistol by GrinnginUrchen and other weapons as well.

I have included a picture of the .44 revolver to give an idea of what it does, it is similar with the other weapons I have stated but some parts are floating instead of this,

Also, the Alien Revolver take all the space when I aim with it, it doesn't aim right, I am not sure if the problem comes from the same as the others weapons stated above but I have a feeling it is, it seems to be with handguns.

What mod could cause this?
How could I fix this using F4Edit / Creation Kit?



Fallout 4 bug.jpg

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