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Am I just dumb? (conditionals in console files called via 'bat')

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So trying to make myself some helper scripts to move things along to test what I'm doing...

if I type in the console 'if ActorID.getitemcount ObjRefID #>#; cgf "script.function" "value1" "value2"; endif' it functions correctly as expected.

I put it in a text file, because I have a stack of things I want to check and perform on that can't possibly fit on one line, and call it with 'bat filename' and it blows a "Mismatched if/else/endif block starting on line 1."

Never even get started on line 2, I'm dead in the water. Am I just dumb? Is there a workaround for this? Does invoking 'bat' break conditionals and that's just the way it is?


Thanks for reading.

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Try new lines instead of semicolon.

if ActorID.getitemcount ObjRefID #>#; cgf "script.function" "value1" "value2"; endif


if ActorID.getitemcount ObjRefID #>#
cgf "script.function" "value1" "value2"


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