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Weapon light/glow effects not carrying over?


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There is a long-standing issue with EVE that I would like to fix, where some light FX don't carry over from one weapon to another. Specifically, when applying a mod that adds extra diodes to the Q-35, the diodes appear but there is no glowing green light. The same effect is applied to the standard plasma rifle with no problem(diodes glow).

I've had a look at the nifs in Nifskope and from what I can see both meshes seem correct. But my Nifskope knowledge is quite limited so there may be something I am not noticing. Or do I even need to be looking in Nifskope in the first place?

I've been following the info in https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/76374. Made sure to compare the pertinent settings and they seem to be identical, though no glow persists in one of them.

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