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Stardew Valley

Slew of Mod Requests.


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I am looking for someone who can fulfill a few requests for me. A list of things I would like are as follows:

- A Custom NPC, with marriage capability, unique likes and dislikes, potentially custom heart events, etc. (I wish to recreate my wife in the game as my partner).
- A Weapon
- A Fishing Rod
- A Hat
- Pair of Boots
- A Ring
- Possibly a floor or wall decoration.
- Methods to obtain all of the items.

I can provide the assets for all of the above. I would just need someone to integrate them into the game.

If interested please reach out to me on Discord as ill reply there much more quickly, my username is: Demogrim


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Hey! I'm not really able to do any of this stuff, but I wanted to say, for the NPC, I'm not sure if you know of it but there is an NPC creator tool that makes it pretty easy to implement your own custom characters. Miss Coriel's NPC Creator 3 at Stardew Valley Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)

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