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Infinite Start Up Screen


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AI Overhaul was certainly a problem for me in one area - NPC interactions in the outdoors areas when the weather was poor.  Couldn't find Adrianne or an open shopkeeper when I had 3x my carry weight in loot and needed to sell the junk.  Also made it much harder to chase down quest givers and quest targets, IIRC.

All that aside, another way to use a profile is to disable ALL of the mods, and only enable a few at a time, and start a new game to see if there are any problems.  If not, enable a few more (w/their patches) and try again.  You can make a plan to avoid adding some groups of mods before you can add their patches, or reinstalling AIO patch compendiums.

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24 minutes ago, 7531Leonidas said:

AI Overhaul was certainly a problem for me in one area - NPC interactions in the outdoors areas when the weather was poor.  Couldn't find Adrianne or an open shopkeeper when I had 3x my carry weight in loot and needed to sell the junk.  Also made it much harder to chase down quest givers and quest targets, IIRC.

All that aside, another way to use a profile is to disable ALL of the mods, and only enable a few at a time, and start a new game to see if there are any problems.  If not, enable a few more (w/their patches) and try again.  You can make a plan to avoid adding some groups of mods before you can add their patches, or reinstalling AIO patch compendiums.

I have been man, I am almost 400 mods into the 550 I had, and nothing is crashing, funnily enough I did find out I forgot to grab SSE display tweaks but damn this is getting annoying

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12 hours ago, 7531Leonidas said:

AI Overhaul was certainly a problem for me in one area - NPC interactions in the outdoors areas when the weather was poor.  Couldn't find Adrianne or an open shopkeeper when I had 3x my carry weight in loot and needed to sell the junk.  Also made it much harder to chase down quest givers and quest targets, IIRC.

All that aside, another way to use a profile is to disable ALL of the mods, and only enable a few at a time, and start a new game to see if there are any problems.  If not, enable a few more (w/their patches) and try again.  You can make a plan to avoid adding some groups of mods before you can add their patches, or reinstalling AIO patch compendiums.

Just hit 500 and still no problems besides longer loading times, remaining mods are my animations mods and Jayspera's plus a misc assortment of others

Edited by CrackJacks
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4 minutes ago, 7531Leonidas said:

Well, I hope that you have found the true problem, now!  Adding numerous NPC actors may have been fighting one or more of your other mods, including AI Overhaul, as I remember it works on  all NPCs in some fashion or other.

ya ive also had some weird problem with Ralof unequipping his armor and his hair going into his head right when Alduin hits, but eh wo knows

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