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Mehrunes Razor - Longsword version


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I recently made for myself a version of Mehrunes Razor that's a sword instead of a dagger. I'd love to see this implemented as a mod but lack experience in using the tools. I've given some thought to how it would be implemented.

The weapon would be craftable in two versions only after completing "Pieces of the Past". A version with the "small chance to instantly kill" effect would require 4 ebony ingots, 2 Daedra hearts and 1 filled Grand Soulgem. A version without the enchant would require the same, minus the soulgem. Optionally, there could be version that requires the completed Mehrunes Razor dagger as a crafting component. The crafted sword would have the same damage as an ebony long sword and be improvable with the ebony smithing perk using ebony ingots.  


If I find the time I'm going to try and learn to do this myself but given my schedule it's likely that will take quite a while. If anyone is interested in implementing the mod themselves please let me know and I can provide the asset files and make any adjustments as needed. Right now the blade and scabbard are exported in the same 3D object so I will need to separate them first.


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