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Weird flashing lines/light issue


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Solved somewhat - TD;DR i have a 21:9 monitor and up until now havent had issues with it but oh boy Skyrim has some disagreements with it, grabbed a spare regular monitor cranked the FOV and am not having that issue, now just have to redo all my settings 🤙


I've been using the SME Wabbajack modlist as a base to finally make a mod-list that i can be proud of so I've been a little nit-picky (sry) 

I don`t believe its just a monitor issue because its only in Skyrim and is situational (which is when i look at lights which is shocker, quite a lot)

Through this entire process I've done tons of optimizing with staying on top of patches, conflicts, version types, and done a lot of optimizing and .ini tweaks so honestly i cant remember all I've done to Frankenstein this code monster together, but I do remember some bigger changes i did

-In GeForce experience I've set the Antialiasing to enhance-application (FXAA*, 4x w/gamma correction) *I prefer this to the other option as that one introduces a lot of ghosting in my case

-In GeForce experience I've also set the verticle sync to Fast (that could be the totally wrong play idk, feel free to bash me)

-in SSE Display tweaks I've enabled its Vsync in the .ini to 199 (i have a 200hz monitor) and disabled EnableTearing

-I've used the Mid Beth.ini preset and after applied the recommended tweaks + I also enabled the TAA Antialiasing in the tool exclusively which somehow combined FXAA and TAA and gave me best of both worlds (smoothness of TAA with the optimization of FXAA) this could be dumb as rocks i am willing to change this

-Installed ELFX, Fixes, Interior Fixes

~a example with doo doo recording because it was the easiest way 


You can probably see what im taking about best at the beginning of the video looking at the smoke in the background 

Screenshot widescreenperformance.png

Screenshot landscapelod.png

Edited by JustCanerom
fixed a typo, edited title, added "solution"
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