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How to Remove Object from the World?


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Basically anykind of static props that not considered as entity (something that can broke/explods etc) by the game.
Example such as a Fence / a Tree / Containers / Burning Cars and so on.

Do they have defined in certain file or it's literally hard coded into the world terrain itself?

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What you are looking for are defined as brushes. 
You can remove all of a particular type by changing the object file to something else. WillieSea's road clearing did that by switching the models with a squashed water bottle.

Many specific prefab groups are defined as such in Game\libs\Prefabs:
<Object Type="Brush" Layer="pathingInterior" LayerGUID="{94D533AF-7647-4F59-9DD3-98AF0640CBFF}" Id="{CF1F9578-A456-43D5-A0CC-66A27E077EB9}" Name="shipping_box_box_50" Pos="-0.65234375,1.9620361,0.29711151" FloorNumber="-1" Rotate="0.76604438,0,0,-0.64278769" ColorRGB="16777215" MatLayersMask="0" Prefab="objects/decor/boxes/shipping_box_01/shipping_box_box_06.cgf" NoCollision="0" OutdoorOnly="0" CastShadowMaps="1" RainOccluder="1" SupportSecondVisarea="0" Hideable="0" LodRatio="100" ViewDistRatio="200" MeshIntegrationType="0" NotTriangulate="0" AIRadius="-1" NoStaticDecals="0" NoAmnbShadowCaster="0" RecvWind="0" AllowInteractionMarkup="1" RndFlags="536870920"/>

Most of the world, however, is defined in terrain.dat. This is where the shipping containers would be if not part of one of the prefab groups.

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