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Need HELP from someone who uses a lot of mods!


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I can't seem to load saves after killing the hag. It's not right after, sometimes saves before I go back to the grove load,, sometimes they don't. I can delete the 'corrupted'(?) saves and play from the last good save and sometimes a few more saves will work but eventually they all load to 75% and crash to desktop. Attached is a text file of my mods and load order, I can attach one with creator names and ID's included if needed, this one only has the names in the first column of BG3MM. I am certain I could play the vanilla game with few issues, I'm looking for help getting this to work with as few mod sacrifices as possible. If you don't have the time and/or patience I understand, please no unhelpful troll comments. I'm hoping one of you will see the list and immediately see something out of order or a mod known to be causing issues. Thank you to all who take the time to look at the list, even if you don;t see anything and can't offer suggestions. Just taking the time to try is greatly appreciated!


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