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A way to return to neutralness after Season Unending negotiations: addfac -1 triggerbox


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If we were to engage in a non-Civil War questline Season Unending negotiation, it appears we are slapped with a CW faction rank at the conclusion of all the talking. While it would make sense for a blatant favoritism to induce a faction rank upon the player, even a supposedly neutral ending causes the player to be unceremoniously dumped with an Imperial faction rank [the mod Immersive Patrols noted this and suggested console addfac -1].

Rather than changing the quest scripts, which will introduce a whole lotta problems, a triggerbox that addfac -1 the Imperial and Stormcloak factions, enabled for the occasion just outside the meeting room, should do the trick. 

Obviously, the intent of the mod is for those non-CW-joiners who wish to have a relatively immersive way (non-console) to strip the faction off us, rather than players who want to join a side beforehand.


Plus, I hate Imps calling me Auxiliary.

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This ties into my rant/request to have the stupid War play out without you. In vanilla, events will force you to take sides even if that's utterly against your playstyle to the point that BALGRUUF would have stuck you with it before At Your Own Pace put a stop to that.

Here's a challenge for you. If you're feeling sadistic enough, play the vanilla Civil War and try to lose.

While the sadistic have their masochistic moment, the rest of us can face facts; Bethesda decided to put the plot on rails whenever possible, especially the War.

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17 hours ago, BlazeStryker said:

This ties into my rant/request to have the stupid War play out without you. In vanilla, events will force you to take sides even if that's utterly against your playstyle to the point that BALGRUUF would have stuck you with it before At Your Own Pace put a stop to that.

That reminds me of the mod I discovered a few days ago: Face The Music - The Cursed Tribe

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17 hours ago, BlazeStryker said:


Here's a challenge for you. If you're feeling sadistic enough, play the vanilla Civil War and try to lose.


The only time I ever played the Civil War to any conclusion was in LE. After installing Civil War Overhaul.

And I decided to have Civil War Neutrality ever since. From LE to SE.

It just didn't have Season Unending neutrality.

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That name is the threat. Unless you take Todsd's drubbing and play along like a good boy, they'll keep right on killing each other forever. Let's just say I understand the Shattered Skyrim scenario where it's the Thalmor that finished off the province...

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