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Voice folder name. wha ?


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After changing my .esp to the actual mod name from the placeholder name I've been using while building it, I obviously had to do a little cleanup.

I changed the masters in the patches I made. I changed a couple areas where I started implementing getformfromfile. I re-gen'd my seq file.

The only thing I haven't solved is the voice file folder. Looking in the CK, it's looking in voice\newlycreatedmodname.esp\....

But looking in the virtual folder in M02, it's still using voice\oldmodname.esp\...

I'm confused. I uninstalled my mod from mo2, re-installed it with the new .esp. Where is it even getting the oldmodname ? And how would I change that ?

EDIT: I'm so blind. it's a literal folder in my mod that I never see bc I've shortcutted to the interior folder..

Edited by csbx
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When you create files such as voice and face gen files with the CK, they will be placed in a sub folder named after the plugin that they are associated with.  The reason for this is because it is potentially possible that two separate mods might have records with the same relative ID number (i.e. the portion of the ID that corresponds with the record and not the plugin).  All you need to do, if you haven't, is re-name the folder to match the new name for your mod.

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@csbx about your mod edited vanilla fragment I am going to say this like your my client, If your happy for xEdit to see what you have edited, use a Property, it will be a nanosecond faster than casting, if you want these edits to hidden in  xEdit use casting and take  the nanosecond speed lost.  However that just the records, you can never hide files your mods overwrites...  

so want is your preference ? that is what matters ultimately.. your the man here 

Edit we cannot control mod users load order, casting is dynamic, yeah, but  just like you override vanilla file, an another mod can overrides yours at install if installed after yours,   so the dynamic argument is pointless, since it can be undone by something beyond our control.  It just visible in the records or not. Casting in this regard gives no advantages. 

But Clarity does, just saying...mod user need to be aware to check your edit vanilla files are not being overwritten...  

Edited by PeterMartyr
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