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Reload Speed increases randomly/over time for no real reason (SOLVED)

Guest deleted52194441

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Guest deleted52194441

Heya - sadly got a problem and am trying to pinpoint exactly what could be causing it.

For some reason, as I play the game - or in more specific terms, the longer a playthrough runs, my reload speed becomes blazingly fast out of nowhere - even without Quick Hands. I tested this more by playing around with both the perks I have and the reload speed slider for True Damage. They both have an effect, of course - but none of it is consistent. -60% Reload (Lowest Setting) in TD's settings can make it either normal speed or unchanged, while the same can be said for Quick Hands perks 1-3.

The only thing consistent is that the longer time I have on a character, the quicker my reload speed with little or no intervention on my part. Just playing the game relatively normally.

The main mods I can think of that could be part of this is:
True Damage
Bullet In the Chamber

Cant quite think of another cause. Any ideas? Thanks ❤️

Nevermind! Was a VATS Reload related mod - "Redesigned VATS Reload and Ammo Mechanism"

Edited by PancakeTaker2
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