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the hiest


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Started a new play thru and for some reason at the end of the hiest when u leave the building in the car it shuts down.  went back and did some normal game play from a earlier save and then went back did the play thru of the mission again and at the same point it locks up and shuts down. anyone else have this isse or an idea on what i can do?


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  • 3 weeks later...

I seem a little late. However I have noticed something. This has happened to me a few times. Always before it does, something went wrong. I came into the quest area in a rather odd way. Some glitch happened, like a character fell weird, I had to repeat a dialogue, just something not quite right but not to screwed either. Same issue, gets to end it wont finish. Only way I have found, is to find an auto save back before I started the quest. If I try to use any save during the quest, I'm just stuck.

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