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Consuming media as an older person?

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On 5/30/2024 at 10:20 AM, InDarkestNight said:

When I did mention Harry Potter? Also, how much media do YOU know of that has only people who are middle-aged or older? Also, this problem is only going to get worse as I get older. How often do people in their 80s see media characters that AREN'T younger than them?

It doesn't matter what you consume. Seemingly all media, regardless of the intended audience, mainly focuses on super younger characters. Also regarding this Toe II Toe game, it was made with graphics based on the original gameboy, and by 'original' I mean the one with the green screen. What is the odds that a younger person made that? They were probably at least my age if they even knew that thing existed.

What am I supposed to do? Only watch stuff with old people in it? Only watch stuff with robot characters? Am I 'too old' for movies now? Too old for tv? Too old to be using youtube? Too old to be PLAYING GAMES? Am I supposed to just lay all that down just because I've seen too much of this world? I was simply asking a question if it was normal for this focus on youth to upset me, or how I could get used to it, or even if I should.

Last time I post on here asking for advice. Is there any place on the whole internet that's safe for that stuff? Can't you have a civil conversation with freaking grown-ups anymore? Bye.

I don't think there's anything to do, or anything you can do. Just enjoy your chosen media for reasons other than age of characters. s#*!, sometimes it's fun to listen along to pretend drama that's reminiscent of my younger days. Now that I think about it, I don't really have to watch anything to experience that, the military is just one big high school lmao.

As for much older folk watching shows that typically have much younger casting/characters... I don't think they care. Not once have I ever heard my grandmothers or grandfathers make an observation like this. They just find the story interesting in whatever show they watch.

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consuming media with characters that are younger than you or very different from you shouldn't matter IMO, video games are an art form, just like movies, books, etc. and they can be enjoyed by anyone regardless of circumstances. actually it may be more entertaining if you're very different from the target audience as you can experience them from a very different perspective, and take away things from it that the developers never intended. if the target audience was too homogenous that would limit sales too which isn't what developers want, lol

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