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How to find games you like?


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I've been tricked into so many bad purchases on steam, I don't even know how to look for games I like anymore.

Simply the name and premise and images of a game have proven useless for finding games I like. They're never ever what I expect. I've been also trying to find games on itch.io, which has this crappy search function where you can only search by tag, and there is no way to hide games with certain tags (you think that would be a feature for a site that hosts porn games). At least filter out the porn games when you're not directly searching for them!

There's thousands of titles on the platform, and they hardly give any info on what the game is about. How am I supposed to find anything? I have tried to search for old kongregate games I used to play, but they're all no longer free or straight aren't on the platform. Searching by genres I used to like doesn't help either. Searching for card games seems to just give me a bunch of solitaire games (I was expecting something as elaborate as a ccg, like elements was). Tower defense doesn't seem to pull up any true tower defense games. There's no rts games on the platform despite it being an available tag. I don't even know what the roleplaying games are.

I did find some game on there where you can build circuits, but I've since forgotten the name and can't for the life of me remember what it was called even though I thought I would remember its simple name. Fml.

How do you find games? I don't even know anymore I've been mislead by steam so stinking much. I haven't bought a new game in years, so I'm not even used to looking for games anymore. Steam at least recommended things that overlapped with things I've played in the past, though this mainly just pointed me to games I didn't like any better than the previous ones I bought.

I just have utterly no idea find games anymore...

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Bom dia!

Você deveria fazer uma consulta no LauncherHydra.

A sua Biblioteca (de código-aberto) é bem grande. Tem jogos novos e jogos antigos.

Depois de fazer a consulta do jogo que você se interessar, vá até o YouTube é veja como o jogo funciona (caso você não conheça).

Se te agradar, vá até o site do GOG, da EpicGames ou em outro site de jogos (porque você não vai querer consultar no Steam, correto?), é consulte o preço, se te agrada.

Se agradar é só comprar. Caso não agrade, volte a consultar, até encontrar o que você gosta.

Em outro comentário, você falou que gosta de jogos com programação em Python.py

Eu conheço dois emuladores que utilizam essa programação além do Java, C, C#, HTML e outros que não lembro.

- Lineage 2
- Aion

Existe um site “Ragezone” que emula esses dois jogos online como um Singleplayer.

Faça uma visita no site e veja se esses jogos te interessam.

Obrigado pela sua atenção


Good morning!

You should make an inquiry at LauncherHydra.

Its (open source) Library is quite large. There are new games and old games.

After checking out the game you're interested in, go to YouTube and see how the game works (if you're not familiar with it).

If you like it, go to the GOG, EpicGames website or another gaming website (because you wouldn't want to check it on Steam, right?), and check the price, if it suits you.

If you like it, just buy it. If you don't like it, check again until you find what you like.

In another comment, you said that you like games with programming in Python.py

I know two emulators that use this programming in addition to Java, C, C#, HTML and others that I don't remember.

- Lineage 2
- Aion

There is a website “Ragezone” that emulates these two games online as a Singleplayer.

Pay a visit to the website and see if these games interest you.

Thank you for your attention
(translate google)


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